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الثلاثاء، 27 سبتمبر 2011

Marriage at the Pharaohs

I realize the ancient Egyptians since ancient times, marriage system initiated in the interest of the community to build on the foundations and rules of legitimate and proper to ensure the individual requirements and the community permanence and stability to that urged the ancient Egyptian sons to get married early, and warned of relationships illegal heinous and away from the women's exotic and governance and advice, which dates back to the century twenty-fifth BC is in the words of Ptah Hotep = if you become rational founded the you beta = The sixth century BC, say I = made ​​for yourself a wife and you are young and kicking them Bapennek = He also said = if brought into existence in your youth learn to be useful, what happiest man who frequently, he respects his parents for his children = in the fifth century BC says Ankh = Chacnqy made ​​for yourself a wife and you are at the age of twenty children of kicking in your youth

In the context of temptation in marriage and the alienation of relationships illegal says Ptah Hotep = If you want to have to carry your friendship in the house you are visiting master you, brother, friend Beware of contact with women because it is the impudence = warn I = Beware Women exotic unknown origin, do not look at them when they pass your not related to the physical contact she Kalpir deep and does not know what the human hide = as varied advice that urges the boy to the wife the right to elect to say Ang Chacnqy = Do not marry a girl with a bad print so as not to raise your children Taatorth corrupt = did not specify its sources in ancient Egyptian appropriate age for marriage was the girl for marriage is valid since the age of puberty, a young age

 As understood from some of the positions listed on the texts and there are individual cases of the Late Period stipulates the age of twenty for the groom and Alrba th bride and increased age of marriage for the girl after the year 570 BC, as has become her right to express acceptance of their own after it was on its behalf, and her father in the completion of the marriage and the virtue of Pharaohs inbreeding and knowledge to ensure that the original

 And ratios and convergence of social standards and condition of the people of the groom that the bride will be known among the people of her hometown of either the bride's family would have preferred to have the groom works the same work of her father also preferred the pair wise balanced for a rich husband and the convention allows marriage between cousins ​​and the sons of uncles either marriage brothers was known among members of the royal family just has not practiced among the people, after research proved that there is not a clear example of the marriage of the sister of her brother and in the family of the 22's did not happen in the Egyptian society, but happened between Libyans living in Egypt have been mentioned in the story of the Late Period that asked the father what if the law allows marriage the brother of his sister had this marriage is common to ask for and perhaps what has caused confusion in this matter that the wife had been described as a sister to her husband and the husband was described as brother of his wife was not as such but merely an expression of pride and appreciation and affection between them

Since the end of the family, 26, and specifically since the time of Ahmose II \ \ 529 BC -570 BC \ \, which was considered as one of the lawmakers, the ancient Egyptians equinus appeared marriage contracts, valid at the general and well, particularly written in bold Aldemoutiqy has taken the character is selected and officially of the bases, the basic and remained contracts traded in the same form and format until the late Ptolemaic \ \ 315 s P.30 BC \ \ during this long period has not undergone any change or amendment which indicates that the ancient Egyptians remained committed to its traditions inherited by law or custom prevailing in his country and was the main text in the contract is \ \ So and so said so and so for women Atakztk wife \ It is understood that this term has been explicitly so,


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