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الخميس، 29 سبتمبر 2011

Eid al-Adha in Egypt

Perhaps the pilgrimage season, when solved his days the Egyptians of each year, changed the case of many a private who wrote them to visit Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and begin the Egyptian family which has a per capita going to "Hijaz" in the words of many, in the preparation of travel arrangements and insists housewife to buy all the supplies from the wholesale markets Haj "from the needle to the rocket," says most of the Egyptians.
The Egyptian customs and traditions do not change this season, where we find most of the popular neighborhoods where there is a pilgrim, you may decorate the walls with paintings sentences and the Kaaba, and other graphics that represent the event of Galilee, is also keen many Egyptians to compliment their neighbors when they return from the Hajj, and visit them and make candy and Sherbet expression their joy return Salmeen

 It is interesting to consider that these traditions differ from one province to another within the land of Egypt, what is happening in Cairo, we just like him in Alexandria, through Upper Egypt to the nomadic people of the Nuba and .. !!!
During the season of Hajj, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha, executors of the testament prophets, Abu Ibrahim, peace be upon him, when he decided to sacrifice his son Ismail, Allah has sent down from heaven by a ram to sacrifice for his son ..
Most of the homes we find the Egyptian position on the purchase of a lamb feast, you slaughtered him after the Eid prayer, and that you distribute to the poor and infirm, and note that houses that are slaughtered sheep, we find the mark on the walls of the five fingers with the blood of the Lamb, blessing them firmly against the brand envy

Most Egyptians are keen to eat the lamb liver and breakfast in the footnotes, in preparation to address the "rift with garlic" at lunch, the most famous dish in Egypt during the celebration of Eid al-Adha.
We note that these things are used by the Egyptians because they are inherited from the above-grandparents, even though we did not find in the Heritage confirms the existence of such habits,Bams religious events
mentioned above.

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