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الثلاثاء، 27 سبتمبر 2011

Pharaonic origins of Halloween Gala

Celebrated in the Western world on October 31 of each year or long-Halloween Holiday Halloween Holiday Do you know out of Halloween Where did it come

The origin of all the saints rejoicing or festivity to the origins of Pharaonic Halloween was associated with the flood season, the Blue Nile in Upper Egypt Ambaba. Where she was known for this region and which Bozoraatha leguminous plants Kaliqtin addition to melon and yellow Alautermilon

This has been found in 1916 on some papyrus believed to be returning to the era of the Fourth Dynasty, and the details of this feast was held with the full moon in the first lunar month following the harvest season and it was to promote and married women, the following have applied a little age without Ahafahn luck in finding a suitable partner and as a gesture of Hano pharaoh had both married, one of the INSAT rewarded with a portion of the surplus agricultural production for the region

And contests were held, the most famous Miss pumpkin and win the title usually uglier and fatter than marry her and the contestants receive the lion's share of the surplus agricultural production. And with the passage of time the Arameans move this holiday to a country he knew far Alhalavi Syria and is the Aramaic word for beautiful and usually stayed married to reward women Bashat large quantities of pumpkins is usually characteristic of the Holiday

Until the year 112 BC as the date coincides with the full moon fourteen consecutive years with the ominous days or wars or natural disasters .. Vgdy people associate the holiday with evil and look like winners by the magicians and believe that the souls of their ancestors angry bring these habits is alien to the reality of their society, which does not belong to their customs and traditions and in in 98 BC, declared Governor Aramaic Grikur fourth conversion feast to the gala to pray and communicate with the souls of ancestors and ordered the imprisonment of Alharirat - as he claims - that INSAT is married and unmarried women Alepeshat throughout the night that Ikmn and are drilled home a valuable surplus inventory of state of the pumpkins and pumpkin Avtdaoua of evil and placed on the altar gods after being turned on wax

Then entered the holiday calendar of holidays and Ahlgreah known in Europe and later America, as everyone rejoicing or festivity of All Saints or Holiday Alhleuen derived from the Aramaic word Hleuen.

Holiday and Halloween in America in line on 31/10
Holiday is for all religions and not exclusively Christian religion. And the public when decorating homes and streets and games Baliqtin terrible and wearing jewelry and contracts are made from garlic and onions and sprinkle with salt to their homes, the dimensions of the evil spirits from houses.

And deny everyone from senior and junior to the Atarafhm evil spirits, where legend has it that all the lives back on this night of the isthmus to the ground and prevail and ripple until the following morning of the feast.

And children from going to another house, along with bags and baskets filled with chocolate, and does not give the boys disguised chocolate and caramel candy angers him to evil spirits.

And Hollywood did not take long for this every year, producing dozens of films including Holiday  
  Halloween horror films and comedy films, including black cartoon films for children.
Even toy manufacturers and sweets to Atqsr never manufacture and marketing of games for a long Halloween Kaliqtin and bats and vampires and ghosts and return each year Bmrabh fantasy of this holiday.


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