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الثلاثاء، 27 سبتمبر 2011

Prophet's Birthday and celebration in Egypt

Egyptians generally like each home, but their love of the Prophet (peace be upon him) the most, and establish religious ceremonies huge for members of each house buried in Egypt, such as: Imam al-Hussein and Zainab, and attended by millions of ordinary Egyptian people and seek to diligently each year.
But still the memory of the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) Dora religious ceremonies at all, all the people of Egypt celebrate the celebration of a great revival of Islamic rituals, eating candy, and if there is a close relationship in the eyes of the Egyptians between the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and taste sweet, and not only that but they made ​​for that occasion a bride to mix solemnity of the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) flavored sugar candy, with the atmosphere of joy the bride, as urethrae celebrations at all!! And the crown of the religious feelings

Have tried rulers to punish them and the different races use those privacy when the Egyptians and draw near to them, and tried to co-opt the attention of all religious ceremonies, especially the Prophet's Birthday, so they Gallois in the manifestations of those celebrations, and spent it lavishly large, starting from the Fatimid caliphs who played on the religious feelings ably, and were able to extend their influence to many countries of the Islamic world.
The historian, "Abdel-Rahman Jabarti" who lived in the time of the French campaign on Egypt to "Napoleon Bonaparte" interested in the establishment of celebrating Prophet Muhammad's Birthday Year 1213 e 1798, by sending the expenses of the celebrations and of SR 300 to French house of Sheikh Bakri (captain supervision in Egypt) district Uzbek, and also sent him the huge drums and torches .. At night, fireworks were held to celebrate Prophet's birthday, and came back Napoleon celebrated the following year to win the hearts of the Egyptians to the French campaign and the pimp

Some argue that the strong interest of the Egyptians that religious holidays is a legacy of an ancient Egyptian roots deep in the Egyptian history, which has seen interest in the establishment of rituals and traditions of the minutes in the festivals of seating the King on the throne and the Holiday of birth, the harvest festival and rejoicing and fulfillment of the Nile, and then inherited the Egyptians from their ancestors that interest in ritual ceremonies later.
And the beginning of the celebration of Prophet Muhammad's Birthday, The Fatimids, who came to Egypt from the country of Morocco at the hands of their leader, "the essence of Sicilian" They were claiming to "Mrs. Fatima Al-Zahraa" the daughter of the Holy Prophet and the wife of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah honor him); so interested the revival of Islamic holidays and occasions special Mwald Aal al-Bayt and the Prophet's Birthday

Have tried the Fatimid Caliph, "Muizz" when making the city of Cairo, the capital of his succession to appeal to the Egyptian people, ordered the establishment of the first celebration of the Prophet's birth in 973 AH.
The Maqrizi in his plans celebrations interested Fatimids of the celebrations, six, and separated as the birth of Imam Hussein (5 March), and the birth of Fatima Zahra (20 Jumada II), and the birth of Imam Ali (13 July), and the birth of Imam Hassan (15 September), The birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) (12 March), and finally the birth of Caliph al-Hakim of the country.
The state fought the Ayyubid celebrations and traditions of the Fatimid Fatimids erase the influence of the Islamic world, and because the Sunni Ayyubid state doctrine, while its predecessor Shiite exaggerated, but the Egyptians returned to celebrate the Prophet's birthday in the era of the Mamluks

The "Son of menopause," the celebration in the covenants; as a contemporary in the spring of the first year 922 AH, celebrations of the Mamluk Sultan "Qansuh Ghouri," which was characterized by lavish and luxury; where erected hall huge tent big in the middle of the dome on four pillars of high decorated flasks, bowls of copper, and sat on her head Sultan Ghouri, around, judges, princes and dignitaries, and readers and preachers, and the celebrations began to extend the bus dishes of various types of foods, beverages and minstrels competed in praise of the Prophet.
The following year, scored 923 "Son of menopause", the picture changed completely; where he entered Egypt, the Ottomans did not pay attention to the establishment of celebrations of birth, and may be due to the same cause against the Ayyubid to celebrate the birth.
And the transmission of the Egyptians through time celebrating the Prophet's birth until the present times, festivities did not change much from the past decades, especially in rural and urban slums in major cities

With the beginning of the spring of each year set up marquees great about the major mosques and fields in all cities in Egypt particularly in Cairo; where mosques guardians of God and the righteous, mosque of Imam Husayn and Sayyida Zaynab (may Allah be pleased with her) of the canvas or canopies visitors generated from different villages in Egypt and street vendors in all categories of games and correction, wholesalers, and sweet foods and includes some rudimentary circus acrobatics and a cornerstone of the chanting and Almdahin, and they are a class of singers specializing in praise of the Prophet peace be upon him.
The "candy-born" unique features of the Prophet's Birthday in Egypt; where there are shops in all the candy colors of the canvas displays several of the candy-born on her head and sesamoid Humusiyyah and nuts and Albesimh faba and stuffed with nuts and Almbann

 The sweets are made of some toys that are eaten after the end of the day-born bride-born girls and horse for boys.
Have been associated with male born in the hearts of all Egyptian children over the ages of these dolls and toys.
The historians, the Fatimids were the first who started to make the bride of candy in the generator.
Has been described by a British traveler, a "Mark Jerash" Birth of the Prophet who lived in Egypt as a bride radiant colors are placed in closed ranks, and dressed like a bride transparent real.
Maqrizi said they were made of sugar candy in the form of inflated and beautify the dye, and be placed in her hands and her waist decorated with colored papers and the fans stuck to her back

And historical evidence confirms that an Egyptian-born bride, and try some historians link between them and the tradition of bride Nile in the era of the ancient Egyptians.
In that regard, historians say a word that there is no comma in this matter; because many of the Egyptian customs and traditions reflect the continuity with the ancient Egyptian civilization for thousands of years.
Has been bride-born traditional many challenges in recent years; because of the warnings of doctors of their detrimental impact on children's teeth and dangerous dyes and dyes used in the manufacture, which led to the reluctance of parents buying for children, but appeared in a picture made ​​of plastic decorating fabrics transparent and colorful fans background shapes and multiple sizes, and is characterized as a process; it is the longest-lived and is not prone to breakage, not eaten show how the health of children of the damage revealed by the doctors, as if the mouthpiece everyone has seen the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) must remain an opportunity for joy free from all woes ; then it is good not only come good


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