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الثلاثاء، 27 سبتمبر 2011

Drugs, traditional Chinese

Drugs, traditional Chinese therapeutic materials used by traditional Chinese medicine for the prevention of diseases and diagnosis and treatment, and the sources come mainly from natural drugs and drugs of plant and animal and mineral, in addition to a number of chemical and biological drugs manufacturer. Due date of creation and the use of traditional Chinese drugs in the country to what a few thousand years. However, a traditional Chinese drugs entered peacefully, people started relatively late, did not prevail only be used after the spread of Western medicine to China, to distinguish between Chinese and Western drugs

About the history of traditional Chinese drugs
Spreading in China's history to remember the story of "Shen Nong that was kind of taste a hundred herbs ......, Vtzmm 70 times in one day." Which reflects the bitter march made ​​by hard-working Chinese people in ancient times in its struggles against nature and diseases and for the discovery of therapeutic materials and gather experience. It's a vivid picture of the reality of the emergence of drug Chinieh traditional in terms of production and work

 Strains in the age of Xia and Shang and Zhou property (during the period between the late 22 and in 256 BC), the back of China's drug and alcohol emulsion pharmacologically, and in the Western Zhou Dynasty (ie, between the 11th century and in 771 BC) , the back of the oldest Chinese book entitled "book of Songs," recorded the material treatment, and this book is what kept so far from historical documents. has put the "Book of the Yellow Emperor of Internal Medicine," the oldest remains date from the references the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory of the "Heating cold-injured patient, and cooling the heat "and other infrastructure laid the basis for the theories of traditional Chinese drugs on

 "The Book of Shin Nong of herbs," the oldest preserved until now research chemist Specialist was written in the reigns of dynasties Qin and Han (ie, between 221 and 220 BC) on the basis of collected and summarized information pharmacy rich collection of pre-medical scientists of many before and after Qin Dynasty, and has 365 recorded species of drugs used in clinical treatment to this day. This depression and the emergence into being evidence of the proven principle of traditional Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences officially.
In the era of the Tang Dynasty (from 618 to in 907 AD), to pay the economic prosperity of the evolution of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences restrictive to the front, and under the auspices of the Royal Government of the Tang Dynasty, was written "The Book of Tang of herbs" - Constitution of the pharmacologically first of its kind in the world. Book and record 850 different medications with their profiles, which completed a thoroughly traditional Chinese pharmacology in terms of size and composition

And to the reign of the Ming dynasty (from 1368 to 1644 AD), completed the pharmacist Xi Li Qin, having spent 27 years, written a great book about drugs, traditional Chinese, a "compendium of drugs healing," and record book 1892 a kind of drug, be deemed Encyclopedia of the greatest in the history of Chinese medicinal herbs.

After the establishment of the Republic of China (PRC) in 1949 conducted research and large-scale related to the drug of Chinese traditional in many fields such as botany and science of evaluation and classification, science chemistry, pharmacology and science of clinical medicine, which provided a scientific basis for identifying sources of material treatment and the distinction between medicinal herbs of true and false and to clarify the effectiveness of treatment. On the basis of a comprehensive examination of the sources of therapeutic substances across the country, the author of "records of traditional Chinese drug" of national and local in 1961. However the printing and issuance of "the great dictionary of traditional Chinese drugs" in 1977, the number of drugs registered in such classic books, including 5767 species. And at a time Zarfait into being the various references and scientific research and the newspapers and magazines, Chinese drug, and held various bodies of scientific research, teaching and production of Chinese drugs, respectively, in many regions of China

 Chinese sources of drugs
China is a country vast and complex terrain and varied climate, infrastructure to form bio-diverse environment and created conditions for the growth of various medicinal herbs. And to the present, China has developed more than 8000 Chinese type of drugs, and more than 600 species of which drugs are traded daily. China leads the world in the development and use of drugs from China, where many types and size. And these drugs block the country's internal needs, and exports to more than 80 countries and regions because of its international reputation.

The use of Chinese drugs
The Chinese have a history of drug use is, and has a great role in the proliferation and the prosperity of the Chinese nation. And remains so today show an important place in medical treatment and health care for people. And reflect on the theories of traditional Chinese drug trials and their application properties of the Chinese culture. And because most drugs Chinese materials remedial few natural side effects harmful. And can be a prescription is one of many elements that are used in the treatment of many types of diseases, and often take drugs, the Chinese used the form of prescriptions vehicle, they can cross-consistency is reasonable in the installation of elements of recipes to adapt to conditions on the complex, and raise the effectiveness of drugs and reduce the toxic side effects on the other

 The use of drugs, the Chinese rely on theories of Sciences Chinese traditional medicine, and is based on the feasibility of treatment resulting from the effects of drugs in the human body, note that these effects are determined by the properties of drugs that are key to cold, heat, warmth, cold, moderate and tastes of the five no bitterness, sweetness and frigate and salinity and events up and down, and swimming and diving and the effectiveness and efficiency of Algoegin toxicity. And for the effective use and safe, you must understand the basic knowledge of Chinese drugs and prohibitions in the consistency and quantity and methods of handling and installation of recipes. The consistency means installing more than one type of drugs selected for use according to different needs of medical conditions and the different properties of drugs, including prohibitions prohibitions consistency and prohibitions pregnancy and balances of food and balances symptoms, and the mean quantity of the amount of drugs used clinically, and the amount of Alakakirantrbh and individual for an adult for one day, and the quantities disproportionate between the materials contained in the various therapeutic prescriptions

Developments of the Chinese drug

The main directions of research drugs, the Chinese future is to promote research selection and breeding quality seed of herbs such as seed breeding by radiation isotopes and biological engineering, while maintaining the expertise of the production of traditional drugs, Chinese medical, promote breeding prescription drugs land required quantities frequently in the manufacture of drugs ready, such as licorice and Herbon and Lhalblab and also more than twenty species of imported crude drugs, and especially the strengthening of the prevention Research deterioration of seed quality, and strengthen the work of investigation and development of new sources.


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