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الثلاثاء، 27 سبتمبر 2011

Egyptian Egyptian traditions of funerals in particular.

The habits of the Egyptians in funerals is right is the heritage must be commended for always, The Egyptians in the funerals are divided into classes according to the standard of living fully, it must appear, even in sorrow the best appearance, must be everyone anniversary remembered by the people by day of death is a day of rejoicing for of the deceased, and each person has his or her place.
Unfortunately, now there are no funerals were held like the time, now people are just late rent butterfly for three hours, although the marquee was mourning three-day periods in the past.
He says Hanote specializes in transporting the dead from "the sons of Alocabr" as he put it:
All the dead and has his place and the price is, if the dead Jay, I received it from the outside of the airport and took him to his final resting place, if within the tombs of Cairo, Fayoum is the amount of 2000 pounds, but if every connection will be buried in the governorates according to the distance

.Egyptian funerals .. Many art!!
In different parts of our beloved Egypt necessarily funeral rites and funerals of the province to another, and from village to village in the same province, even though they meet in the end, the strap and one which is respect for the sanctity of the dead ..
But the most famous thing in most provinces of Upper Egypt, the Egyptian woman is a skill in the art of many, and slapping on the cheeks and the scars, which boast by women in all the funerals, where competing each woman individually to highlight the talent in the affliction, and many

 But what is many? And its relationship to the art of self-pity?
The Lament of the oldest and most important arts say that practiced human is related to the fact that a global major is death, but its association with the needs of psychiatric essential humanity of the grief that accompanies the fact that the death of a loved one, including the human desire immortality, or to keep said even after his death, represented by the statue of Khalid, or great cemetery, or a book, or Hassan, who mentioned a poem eulogizing Tkhaldh!!
And "many" is the lamentation of the popular image of women say in the case of the death of a person, has decreased the purposes of self-pity in many, becoming one essential purpose is to raise the grief and anguish of the deceased through the poetic image .. Many are said at funerals by Ihtrvenh women are "Alandabat" or "Clayat" This is for the wealthy class, while the non-rich layers were published "many" one of the ladies who have reservations

This was the art is concentrated in only funerals that take up most of the living conditions of women's popular as it satisfies a need sadness to it, and also satisfy innate nature is the "poetic" of which there are premium in every human being ..
And is characterized by several strongly imaging because the image is the main weapon in achieving its purpose, provoking a sadness in the soul

"Many" image reflect the life of the community, and the memorable character of his ideas and his life, he is recorded in the lives of people in two ways .. Mentality of the people and ideas .. People's lives, social and political .. It also helps to take many a way of life, customs and traditions and events, clothing, food, furniture ... etc. that have become widely popular classes in this art, and thus fill many a gap in the official history, which highlighted illuminations on the terms of the upper classes, ignoring the popular classes ..

 And many made ​​up of pieces, each piece is made up of two houses, each house consists of two parts, for a total cut of four Htarat, but in terms of meaning, we find track consists of one house, the second is the repetition of the first does not differ only in the end part fig two words Mradftin often Mtiltehma in the first house, and when the track is made up of more than two homes - sometimes a few - all have to be a repeat of the first house in the same way also .. Shall not be required tracks Federation of late Ctarat union fully but may be sufficient convergence between the end of words in the exits of the characters and the melody and music, and trying many commitment weights of poetry, but it does not always work Vtawwad "enumerated" in the warrant "Altdh" in the music without the cacophony.

Here we must highlight the emphasis on the debt position of many, Vrcol God's peace be upon him "may forbid forbade severe manifestations of grief in the Hadith"
Not one of us who slaps his cheeks, rending, and called on the pretext of ignorance "
But it was never that he forbade any talk of simply the expression of grief, whether poetry or prose, but he was listening to like this, and sometimes ask Alastzadh in the hearing, as did the prayers of Allah be upon him and peace, as he listened to I feel poets and poets of Lamentations and the many "Khansaa "whenever she stopped singing Astzadeha saying (Hey O Khanas) means carry on singing my Khansa. It is obvious that many not only lament

 It is known that self-pity is said in a melancholy and dignified without manifestations that is forbidden, but many considered to slapping rending and carrying mud and dirt on the heads of the committed to ACCESSORIES women's popular, so he stressed the clergy in the fight against many because of its requirements and Massahbath even if he himself does not quite .. This may be a major cause of extinction of many, in addition to the high degree of education and the level of culture and openness to the world through radio and television, accompanied by a change in the behavior and habits of women, and people ways to express the feelings of joy and sad both became disapprovingly today with what was found deemed necessary

 There are 38 types of the many occasions, including most of the early life of many patients and many men and children, and many young people and washing, the funeral and the bride and the educated and curious and courageous, and many boys who did not comment. A woman who died all her children, and women who died in childbirth, and many positions, and many drowned and burned and the prisoner and Bara vehicles.
Before we offer many examples of this we must point out that there are many pictures of all the peoples of close convergence of cultures of these peoples, and if similar social and cultural level of women in the two peoples are also many similarities, but were similar Massahbath and supplies as well ..

Among the most famous models of many scattered in Upper Egypt and some of the provinces of Lower and different villages .. :
Met many
§ through the crying mosques and mourn him, Fein prayer come and and visit the Old?
§ through the crying by Dima mosques, prayer Fein's value

 Many a girl who did not marry
§ I have the hairdresser cut my land, and throw her the differences between the pin
§ I have a hairdresser of ground fenugreek, and throw her the differences between the ring
Many courageous
§ We had seven Thiba Sbuah, and seven died, and we will eat us Alilluah
§ Thiba we had seven people, seven died and we Subhna Baleish

Several positions with
§ You say you the quality, stone border Tqek wave
§ You say you the amount, stone border Ikek stream
Several seasons and holidays
§ Holiday Gala on my neighbors and I walk, we are not broken-hearted Naidhi
§ O Holiday Gala and the spirit of the neighbors, we are broken-hearted and wounded hearts

 Many burned
§ appointed mutilation Horoscope libra, Ya Min Ahouc fire O people of God?
§ Horoscope appointed before the mutilation, Ya Min Ahouc de fire, boys?
Bara many vehicles
§ my cheek and my hand under the calf alone, my present to his family Abatwa
§ my cheek and my hand under the calf and its limits, my present Abatwa eligibility

Many prison
§ Sjanam O Bo Alagafol copper, country people unconscious Todém
§ Sjanam O Bo Alagafol iron, and the unconscious Todém country's long-
Many morning
§ I started Osubhhm Good morning, said load walk at night
§ I started Osubhhm morning Badri, said load Walk Fjra

 Many bride
§ material is Mazum years old in the garden, my hype Ratha, entered the night
§ material is Mazum years old his uncle's home, do not hit the drum and Nicot wig
§ material is Mazum years old his uncle's house, do not hit the drum and Nicot neighbor
Many women on her husband
§ O column and the column Hdoh my house, oh Do you believe in the Maine House of ambush?
§ O column marble column and my house, oh Do you see a house of Atqam?


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