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الخميس، 29 سبتمبر 2011

Holiday Birth .. Form er in Egypt

The Holiday Birth, a stage in the life of every human being has fallen Egyptians celebrated, especially those who belong to the middle class and below and this is confirmed by most of the operators of concerts in Egypt, where it's different in the Holiday Birth of one family to another, there are families adhere to the need to spend the night Gala Birth in one of the boats moored on the Nile or one of the major hotels, and this costing in the range of fifteen thousand pounds, without a ceiling, and there wants a magician, and Erajos and display for brides, and that cost him five thousand pounds and this paragraph is not more than an hour, and if Chinese cuisine Individuals ten Atklfon about 1200 pounds at least. And the Task folklore paid 2000 pounds, while the rate tart Holiday Birth starts at 300 pounds and a piece of brioche Vsaaraa five pounds, other than candles and cosmetics for the Holiday Birth increased their prices because they are all imported from abroad, have doubled their prices in the recent period, and became less Accessories Holiday Birth cost at least two thousand pounds.

Given the deteriorating economic situation facing the majority of the layers of the Egyptians, on the occasion of the celebration gala decline of birth, and was limited only to the wealthy classes, and some of the middle classes, but within reasonable limits, in order to budget the family that Angcef old!!!
Despite the poor economic situation that we talked about previously, but most Egyptians believethat adherence to habits of the celebration of Christmas, ease their pressure of everyday life,especially if the family was experiencing severe financial pressures

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