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الخميس، 29 سبتمبر 2011

Holiday Chung Yang in China

The Holiday Chong Liang as an important public holiday traditionally marks the Chinese ninth day of the ninth month according to Chinese lunar calendar. Whenever solve this today, supporting the elderly and people take the hands of children and climbing the mountains to enjoy the flowers of chrysanthemums. Also, Agrzn Alqrnos (aromatic medicinal plant) in the ground, and eat cakes colored.

    Holiday name is due to Chung Yang Chinese lunar calendar. The ancient Chinese considered "nine" solar number, Faisadf ninth day of the ninth month of the nine double, ie on Chung-Yang in Chinese. Was a source of rejoicing Chung Yang is due to the flavor of the story of legendary figures

Is rumored that during the third century BC, China was in the person of the power of magic, called Pfia Zhang Fang. He could not control the forces of nature, but could also invoke the gods and capture ghosts. He heard the man called Behng Jing, Fbdeh all worship and studied under him. Before Zhang Fei Fang request due to a very strong intention, and knowledge of a special skill. One day, said Zhang Fei Fang Jing Heng: "There will be a major disaster on the heads of all members of your family on the ninth day of the ninth month, and you need to prepare in advance." After hearing this, Heng Jing suffered severe panic, and immediately knelt in front of begging his teacher to teach ways to avoid disaster.

.He Fei, Zhang Fang, "when it is the ninth day of the ninth month, you have to make bags, woven red the highest number possible, and put the Alqrnos, and damage to your arms, and carry your wine to soak the tulips, and take the hands of all members of your family, young and old to the slope a high mountain to drink alcohol. Thus, you can avoid this disaster, large. "It was hard Heng Jing did as he said his mentor. When solving the dawn of the ninth day of the ninth month, Heng Jing to bring all members of his family to a high mountain slope near his home where they spent the day safely. Heng Jing and returned with his family to his home in the evening where they found very surprised that the cow, sheep, chicken, dog in their family had died. And avoided the catastrophe is already heavy. Since that time, the mountain climbing and Alqrnos stitches in the ground and drinking chrysanthemum wine in the Holiday Chung Yang habits among the people, and anecdotal Omtwarthh for more than two thousand years.

It was spread widely in China is felt describes customs and traditions on the occasion of Eid Chung Yang. That he was known under the title ((remember my brothers in the province of Shandong in the ninth day of the ninth month)) by Wang Wei - the great poet in the era of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). He says this poetry: "kept alone in a strange guest of a foreign country, and doubles as my family Shawky to solve the feast of Ramadan. From afar and knew that the brothers meet in a high mountain slope, and the inserts Alqrnos in the land of all members of my family but I am." And it was Wang Wei of a dozen-year-old resident alien in the capital at the time. It was inevitable that the longing to his family from time to time. Solutions, especially when the holidays, could not control severe longing to reunite his family because the families of others with joy and fun. On the occasion of Eid Chung Yang, all households in the capital, instill Alqrnos. Remember that his family lacks one person Alqrnos stitches in the ground, and that person is the same.

The other occasion usually Chung Yang is eating colored cakes. In the words of the Chinese language, similar to the word "cakes" Height word, its meaning and contains the steady advancement in the ranks, prosperity and development. The people cooked cakes and sticky rice steamed glutinous millet, dates, small Chinese and other foods, and focus upon the small flags of five colors, and they call colored cakes. For the general people who live in the plains where there are no high mountains to climb, they can eat cakes colored represented to climb the high mountains.

Was added longevity to the contents of Holiday Chung Yang in ancient times as well. Because people believe that the customs and traditions, distinctive mark Chung Yang valid to extend the age.
     People still keep the habits of climbing high mountains to enjoy the flowers of chrysanthemums on the occasion of Eid Chung Yang, and shops selling colorful cakes on this day. During the last few years, people select this day a feast for the elderly, expressing their respect and love for the elderly and wishes them long life, health and wellness in addition to Mahvazh the implications inherent Holiday Zhong Yang


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