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الخميس، 29 سبتمبر 2011

Holiday Lapa in China

Called the twelfth month in the Chinese lunar calendar month is not Yu in China, the eighth of this month is the feast of Lapa. The gala celebration for the father traditionally for the Han Chinese, is also presented the Spring Festival.

A Holiday for the record that the father comes back to the first ceremony of offerings not only in the ancient times of China. China has been interested in agriculture since ancient times. As the bumper agricultural harvest check, the people then see that as a result of help and attention of all the gods, a huge thanks housed concert called "ceremony of the offerings do not" celebrate bumper agricultural harvest. After the termination of this concert, the people then living testimonial banquet for all parents, where people gather in the banquet to eat soup cooked yellow Baldkhn modern production. After that, the ceremony has evolved to the Holiday offerings not to make offerings to the ancestors mainly. In the fifth century AD, the Chinese government has set the time the eighth of the twelfth month in the Chinese lunar calendar for the Holiday APA.

After the spread of Buddhism to China, in addition to the ceremony of ancestral offerings and eat the soup, he began a new story written for worship on the success of the founder of Buddhism Sakyamuni on the eighth of the twelfth month in the Chinese lunar calendar. And speaks the heart of this story about that before that day, the worship Sakyamuni are tormented for many years, and suffered from hunger was becoming so thin like the lute. He decided to abandon the worship tormented, so surprised to meet with sponsors, and dedicated sponsor chyle to relieve hunger. After eating, Sakyamuni regained physical strength, and was sitting under a banyan tree of India (the holy fig tree) immersed in reflections, and achieved success in the worship of Buddhism in the eighth of the twelfth month in the Chinese lunar calendar. In order to revive the memory of this incident, the followers of Buddhism is the rice soup with fruits of the sacrifice of the founder of Buddhism on the occasion of this holiday and call it soup to the APA.

The soup that Ba does not get used to eating Chinese dating back to the reign of Song Dynasty, more than a thousand years. Whenever the father of the Gala, the Royal Court, local authorities and the temples is the soup of the APA. Also cook all the families of the general public for the soup to the father of the Eucharist of the ancestors. Where heal covered on the occasion of this feast to eat and donate it to the relatives and dear friends.
The kinds of soup for the father too many. And popular in the traditional manner, choose the public key has eight articles and eight secondary materials to cook soup for the APA. Note that the word "Ba" in Chinese means a symbol to the good. The concentrated material the main types of leguminous plants, rice, and types of leguminous plants: red beans and green and lobby obelisks, cowpeas, peas, beans, etc., and types of rice: millet, rice, yellow rice and sticky rice and sticky rice paddy, wheat, oats, corn, sorghum and others. Can be chosen by the people according to their desires and habits

The secondary materials for the soup to a father, it is usually chosen by the people of the peaches dried Nicoa apricot pulp nuts, jam, jujube, chestnut and persimmon seeds and the worship of the sun and lotus seed, peanuts, fruits, nuts and pine nuts, pears, raisins, and others.

 And after the preparation of primary and secondary materials, starting with boiling water in a clay oven slowly over a fire stove. After the preparation is added to sugar and acacia flowers roses and amber and other sweet spices. For families, strong attention to father-colored soup, do not choose the kinds of leguminous plants dark color. Vttbouk soup for the father of sticky rice and paddy seeds and fruits of tears Ayoub truffles fruits of lotus and water only. Soup seems bright white transparent. After pouring in the tableware wonderful, what beautiful and delicious this soup! You can imagine that during the twelfth month bitter, become the sky and the earth, glacial ice in China, where the whole family sitting around the table, and the Lapa drink soup sweet and delicious, what pleased and most beautiful in this world!

 Indigenous people remained in the city of Beijing Holiday Lapa consider a sign of the approaching Spring Festival. On this day, drink all the families of the soup APA. Beijing has erupted in the popular song says: "Do not be upset old man, will be resolved after the New Year Gala of the APA. And drink soup for the father of days until the third day and solve twenty - day farewell to the sky gods fireplace ......"


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