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الخميس، 29 سبتمبر 2011

Holiday Yuan Xiao in China

Holiday Yuan Xiao is a traditional festival in China, and marks the fifteenth day of the first month according to Chinese lunar calendar, is the conclusion of the Spring Festival as well.
Is also called Yuan Xiao Holiday Bewan Xi or Yi, Yuan Shang Yuan or Holiday.
It happens that night gala Xiao yuan for the first night of Badr in the Chinese lunar calendar. He used ordinary people in China to suspend the colored lanterns in the night since ancient times, is called the Holiday Yuan Xiao also long-lanterns

The advantage of Holiday lanterns and Yuan Xiao Yuan Xiao food. Why lanterns suspended on the occasion of this feast? Was said that Emperor Han Wen Di - Emperor of the Western Han dynasty Chinese property ascended the throne on the fifteenth day of the first month in 180 BC. To celebrate this occasion, the emperor decided to have this day Holiday lanterns. When solutions to this day, all night, was out of the Emperor of the Imperial Palace to stroll and watching the masses involved in the joy and fun.

 Where the colored lanterns of various kinds and various forms of bizarre and exotic hanging in every household and street and alley to enjoy the general public. In 104 BC, included a formal gala lanterns in the list of important national holidays, which expanded its influence increasingly. According to official regulations, should have been decorating all public places and houses, lanterns and colorful flags in addition to the festivals and the lanterns exhibited in a large thriving neighborhoods and cultural centers.

  Where people, men and women, young and old enjoy the lanterns along tonight and untie the puzzles and dancing dragon lanterns and so on. Thus, inheritance of the people of these activities each year and had transmitted these traditions from generation to generation, did not disappear during the subsequent ages. According to the record is that in in 713 AD, the Chang'an (now a city of Sian) - the capital of the Tang Dynasty had made ​​a "mountain lanterns" huge, reaching a height of seven meters, and are from more than fifty thousand colored lantern various species

 On the occasion of Eid Yuan Xiao, often made ​​lanterns colored papers and brightly colored views of the nature and forms of buildings and figures, flowers, birds and animals, and others. Including, possess lantern decorated rotor salient feature of China. It is a lantern to the game, and was said to date back more than a thousand years. Within this lantern installation of a driving fan, and when the candles spark inside the lantern, rising hot steam which drives blade to spin, so make the horses in the paper composite blade merely speed and strength. Reflected shades horses on paper lantern hat, it appears from the outside as if thousands of horses are plundering the earth are alive.

 The eat Yuan Xiao is usually an important occasion of rejoicing Yuan Xiao. And probably started to deliver food, wonderful high demand among the public on the occasion of this festival during the Song Dynasty (in 960 AD of the Gregorian in 1279). And made ​​his charge in various types of fruits, the fruits of the door, and damage to the sticky rice flour, and kneaded into a ball, climbing to mature, become sweet to savory food. After that, this food is called Xiao Bewan in most parts of northern China, while the so-called Tang Yuan or Tang Tuan in the south of China.

And develops food Yuan Xiao types has increased to about thirty kinds so far, and among the hawthorn and breeders Hacoath jujube and bean paste, sugar and five types of fruit pulp, sesame, butter, cocoa, chocolate and others. The different flavor of food, Yuan Xiao in different regions of the country, where there is Tang Yuan in Hunan Province in south China Bouapadh bright and purity transparent and sweet and pleasure, and the advantage of Tang Yuan in the city of Ning Bo, Zhejiang Province, east of the country Bhacute large and cover the slave, and the like Tang Yuan form of white pigeons in the city Shanghai is characterized by small size and shape of wonderful and refreshing flavor, and is characterized by yuan Xiao in Beijing Bhacoath sweet consisting of Hawthorn, sesame, butter, and others.

 In addition to the enjoyment of lanterns and eating Tang Yuan Xiao Yuan on the occasion ofrejoicing, many organized recreational activities to celebrate this feast, such as walking onAtaiwalten Aanggah and dance and lion dance and more. Especially the Lion Dance, whensolved traditional Chinese holidays, these dance all over China in addition to all theneighborhoods are more likely seen in the world. The lion dance is different style in southern China north of the method. Interested in lion dance in the South China Climate movements andtechnical skills, and mainly by men, and the graceful movements and variable. While the lion dance is characterized in the north of the country's grandeur and prestige, and generallyprovided by a dozen people, even dozens of people at once. The lion dance accompanied bytraditional folk music with prominent features of China. And actively involving both actors andspectators, which shows a scene on the occasion of Jaasha Xiao Yuan Holiday which falls on the fifteenth day of the first month in Chinese lunar calendar .


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