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الخميس، 29 سبتمبر 2011

Customs and traditions of the oasis of Siwa.

In the heart of the desert and away from the cities, construction of hundreds of kilometers is one of the areas that once the spots under your feet until it stops your time and return your wheels for thousands of years, only to find the world of strange and wondrous that blends reality with superstition and mixes tales myths and adjacent ritual with feasts and celebrations; to make us a myth called Oasis "Siwa" of Egypt, the most beautiful stories of where they are all in the time it is no longer time allows Baga, having entered the mill his family life that does not stop.

It is difficult if you want to talk about the great oasis of Siwa are talking to convince you speak in the present and not the distant past, the harder it can look for the starting point, in what clues begin myth: the dignity of Mr. Solomon? Or Mount Dakrur??
Can start from the story of Mount Ogress or dead .. I do not know .. Vagayat, legends and customs, rich richness of this picturesque spot .. But let's start from the call of Sheikh Tripoli that left its mark on everything in Siwa.

Sheikh Trabelsi came from Libya on his way to the Hijaz on foot to perform the Hajj, the desert oasis of Famer "neighbor" or "or small" an oasis Alseweh Frhqh some small boys with stones, and called them Sheikh Baklh birth control, and they were.
This is settled in the memory of the people of the oasis, which is the smallest oasis in Egypt, where a population of only 340 people no more nor detract, and there is a belief is the parents that if they gave birth to a child in the morning the old man of the older die in the evening, and happened to be a lot of what was happening that

When you visit the oasis neighbor, you have to go 130 km from Siwa Oasis, even up to this oasis, surrounded by the outside wall like walls, castles, a door and only one close to the population in the evening for fear of the hyenas that live a lot on the boundaries and threaten the people of the oasis and kill their wealth of animal.
And the "neighbor" remained until the 1952 revolution did not know a form of currency sufficient barter, as they live - until now - on olive and dates and use it to barter what they need of the population of other villages and outsiders, who are in their lives like Bjaddaria obsolete, since time immemorial think only in the call of Sheikh Trabelsi, and pray to God to end this curse that struck their descendants

Every year when it is the month of October, when the full moon begins celebrations of the people of Siwa distant moon nights or "Holiday Peace", when the foot of Mount Dakrur meet Alsiuyon old men, youths and children and women, leaving their homes, they gather at one table, with each carrying a tribal sheikh table of food on his head offered to all people, no difference between rich and poor, and begin to eat before the launch of the signal from a person called a role model sits in the top spot on the mountain, and then begin the celebrations and songs of the most important festivity in Siwa. And when evening the first day of celebrations sitting tribal elders tell stories of heroism and address of the invaders and the glories of Siwa and old tell-month story of reconciliation, a reconciliation is high between Alsewean Eastern and Western, which was a tribute to Sheikh Ahmed Zafer civil smelter between East and West to prevail tolerance goes differences, and here made ​​the day every year a good memory to celebrate a national holiday for peace oasis

In "Day of reconciliation" to be held reconciliations to resolve the differences between the tribes, and after reconciliation deals with all food, a sign of the end of any discounts and occurred throughout the year.
On the third day wearing one white robe and went around to homes to take from each house of something eaten, and is the work of a grand feast gather parents her again; confirmation of the Tsafa and tolerance, and called this meal "Puff" and visit this holiday - Holiday moon nights - about 30 thousand visitors and tourists each year to see these ancient rituals Alseweh

Mount Dakrur
And Mount Dakrur is the mountain which is in a "gala annual Peace" which is located 5 km south of Siwa, and is characterized by the mountain atmosphere its health and meets the fresh water used sand in the treatment of rheumatism by pools hot sand, where there are five specialized types of these baths, and there specialize in certain bodies buried bodies of those who suffer from the pain of rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation of the nerves, and vary according to the bathroom sandy condition.
In Mount Dakrur There are also tombs carved in the rock, dating back to the era Bathlmy thousands of years ago, and there are large Mcyprtan easily accessible to them, and all the graves free of any inscriptions on the walls.

Costume works
Girls clothes and Alseweat Athalin its silver jewelry, is the first thing that attracts attention to those who visit this oasis, they wear brightly colored clothes with long sleeves and wide, and wore around their necks decades of beads. Are still some girls Acefven their hair in braids multiple, and spends her hours in the styling, and every time you go out women Alseweh to visit close to or greeting a neighbor of the birth of a new she wears several pieces of cloth on top of each, and whatever the number was the dress the outside must be a black embroidered motifs busy multi-colored silk.
Inside the home, women have Alseweh to take off her black dress and remain Balthob rich color with long sleeves and wide

 And ornaments Alseweh consists of bracelets wide silver rings, different types of contracts and private contract called the "good works" which consists of six pieces on the crescent shape, is placed between every two of silver and coral, and possess women Baloaqrat, which are either light and hanging from the hole of the nipple Ear or heavy hanging on the side of the head at the same level of the ears.
The jewelry of some women in wealthy families more than ten pounds, and the two main Ahalitan "agrochemical," a silver rich woman is keen to wear it in Siwa. And "comment" is an earring dangling on either side of the head of each part consists of several silver chains attached to a crescent-shaped ornament, and end of each series Bgelgelh, and cosmetics when women are Alseweh kohl and natural herbs

In the afternoon of the marriage the bride Abhi her clothes and go directly in the company of some women of her family and a few male relatives to wash her ​​face and her hands and feet in the eye of Tammous, among more than two hundred eye and a fountain for drinking and medication filled oases of Siwa, to bless this marriage, and when the eye of the blessed the belt off and give it to her mother or one of the aunts to use one of the girls family in the future.
The songs remain the women who had attended in the way of the eye so Rjoahen Iqapelln women of the groom who was in waiting for transport at a particular place, then all go to the home of the bride, and in the evening go to the home of the groom and the bride dances and music starts playing and then takes his bride to his home.
And a feast the wedding called "Alozkah", a food common in Siwa offers to the guests of the wedding party and bride in clothes for their wedding night seven dresses on top of each other; first is adjacent to the skin to be white light transparent, and the second red, transparent, and the third black, and the fourth yellow, and V blue, and the sixth pink silk, and the seventh is outside of the green silk. Above all, a special wedding gown embroidered with dots Ghali costs around the neck, put on her head scarf of red silk

 Celebrations of the birth of many children, especially if the male or his parents were from a wealthy family, and after birth midwife supervised by the women lie down on the Rug spread on the ground for seven or ten days, and visited in this period only friends and confidante. The seventh day is a day celebrations; as it comes the woman's relatives and friends bringing their children to celebrate newborn involved women in the preparation of a special meal on this occasion included in the kinds salted fish, and this kind of food tradition dragged it named after the birth of Sir Solomon Imam Alsewean.

Begins with the father and mother in naming a child after this meal, and then the midwife to be marked, and Gardens of the child and on his nose and feet, using the paste henna, and then pushed the crowd into the streets and markets are calling the top of their voices on behalf of the child and his father's name, and after that leave the children brought Baina made ​​of pottery , where lies the mother in the room and have the pot filled to halfway with water, where each woman threw her jewelery inside this vessel and the women circle around him, holding him amid hymns sung midwife calls for the child to live a happy life, then lift the pot up and down seven times, then break the pot to parts and restore every woman jewels. It is believed that breaking the pot the potter works on prevention of the evil of envy and ensures the child a happy life

Ogress is
Alseweh woman whose husband dies, The people of Siwa believe that the widow has a strong eye envious bring bad luck to those who are it!
When the dying man the widow poor, which may not exceed seventeen-year-old accompanied by her family back to the "eye Tammous" which washed the day of her marriage to take off there are jewels and clothes as usual and dressed in a white sign of grief and mourning, and then live in complete isolation for forty days; should, during which not to eat anything from meat is not allowed in this period to wash or change her dress, and then remain years after the death of her husband does not have the right to marry only after

The people of Siwa are all Muslims and most of them belonging to the way that spread Senussi North Africa, or the way field which ends to Shaykh Ahmad victorious civil, and faces of people with dark features of Bedouin-like simplicity of simple homes made ​​of mud brick and have not Tsbha the curses of concrete blocks. Valsewe - who hails from a mixed population of Arab origin and even barbaric Negro - not swept currents of modern civilization, and still adheres Avadath and traditions which he inherited from his ancestors, he is always showing sorrow of those who are devoid of their customs and forgotten their heritage.
El-Siwi a conservative is not printing to encourage intimate relationships with strangers, which made the Siwa closer to the world of stand-alone over the years, although they follow the Egyptian state since three thousand and five hundred years


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