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الخميس، 29 سبتمبر 2011

How the Egyptians were celebrating the Eid al-Fitr old

In the era of the Ottoman Empire was the official ceremony will start after prayers at dawn the first day of the feast, where the climb princes and judges in a procession to the castle, and go to the Mosque of al-Nasir Muhammad inside the castle to perform the Eid prayer and then lined up to congratulate the Pasha.

  Eid prayer
The next day was Basha come down to celebrate the official anniversary in (Jawasaq al) prepared for him to the field of sand (the castle), which brushes finest pillows and Alotfavs, and apply for a congratulatory princes Alsnagq (senior Bakoat Mamluk) and optional (senior officers) and Katkhoda Alakenjria (Janissary) and offers coffee, sweets and syrups, The fragrance smells of musk and incense, and then take off on employers Basha positions and princes, and ordering the release of some prisoners.

And the people stay the night of Eid in the joy and pleasure, has prepared the cakes and sweets to offer to parents, visitors and takes the head of the family decorated and accompanied by his children to the mosque to perform Eid prayer, as people used to visit the graves of the ratification of the souls of their dead and giving them the Belanes and love, and the young want to go out in groups for a walk in the Nile, as evidenced by the Gulf of Cairo, a swimming pool and Uzbek elephant and the island's busiest kindergarten huge .. The defender Castle launches three days of Eid in the five prayer times.
Eid Cakes
In the last third of Ramadan, people begin to prepare for Eid al-Fitr and the most prominent manifestations of these preparations (Eid cakes) and making cakes due to the Pharaonic era; where they put him inside the tombs with the dead .. They were engraved on cakes drawing the sun (the Aten), which worshiped them for a long time, it is amazing that the Islamic Cairo has known the idea of ​​templates, Vtv Islamic Art keeps some of them written on it: (thank the arrival of blessings) ... (all the congratulations) (all and thank) In the holidays ; They were to pose the dolls.

At the feast sorties were keen Egyptologist especially in rural and Upper Egypt to provide in the form of cakes (episodes) sweetened with sugar; to be distributed to the poor graves; in their beliefs that (angel of mercy) is shelving in the middle of the branches of a tree Favors.

 In the modern age says Ibrahim Anani: worshipers were gathered after the sun rises directly in perfectly in the mosques, and perform the Eid prayer, and kept everyone to wear new clothes, as well as provide householders new clothes to their servants, who also receive-Fitr of visitors who came to congratulate the Day , feast days and eaten: cookies - unleavened bread - partner - salted fish, and huge quantities of nuts, and some preferred dishes of meat, onions and tahini ... and most shops are closed during the days of Eid.

And is keen sons of Egypt now, from the Delta to the level and even the people of the border, to get out for walks, river on the banks of the great Nile, accompanied by the whole family, and some young people prefer to go out alone with their loved ones, and go to pool halls and bowling, all depending on the economic level, in addition to the keenness of many to go to the cinema, where most of the artists are keen to offer their new season in this particular


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